Time flies...

02-07-2011 22:16


I feel the years passing by

Do I look like I’m going to die?

It’s like I’m never that young

It’s like I’m always that old

Feeling time rushing through my spine

Climbing the days that stayed behind

Never seeing the beauty of aging

Always searching for something amazing

Like I’m never satisfied with my own life

Like every day could bring a new and refreshing light

Is it me who can’t understand the world?

Is it the world which plays with my mind?

I wish I could see it from a different site

Where everything might look so bright

It’s like I’m sitting on a chair made of hopes

Waiting for it to show me a different world

A picture where I’ll be looking into the face of time

Not waiting for it to return and play with my life

Time, it’s a moment, a simple blink of an eye

Something I can’t change with a simple try

I’ll be sitting, waiting, seeing it passing by

Maybe it changes the pictures I’ve in my mind.


Elsa Azevedo



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   Imagens por: Pedro Pinheiro




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